AnnouncementNow the conference is over, consider attending to one of the following events in Birational Geometry taking place in the next few months in Britain:
SpeakersMain LecturersInvited speakers
Contributed talks by
About the workshopThe purpose of this workshop is to introduce graduate students working in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra to characteristic p methods in Birational Geometry. Complex Birational Geometry uses Kodaira-type vanishing theorems which are known to fail when the ground field has finite characteristic p. Pionereed by the works of Abhyankar, Zariski, Bombieri and Mumford among others, it has recently experienced a revival thanks to progress made in the context of the Minimal Model Program and the resolution of singularities in higher dimension. We hope to provide an insight in the topic to graduate students working in Algebraic Geometry. Since the algebraic tools involved are extremely recent, we expect an interest from PhD students in Commutative Algebra, as well as Algebraic Geometry. Being an introductory workshop, the participants are expected to be graduate students and young postdocs. The workshop consists of some lectures by two senior speakers: James Mckernan (MIT) and Karl Schwede (Penn State). We will also have talks by participants and a poster session. All participants at their second year of PhD or higher are encouraged to give a talk or present a poster, although this does not need to be on original research nor directly related to the topic of the workshop. Financial supportThanks to our sponsors, the London Mathematical Society and the EPSRC's TCC and EPSRC grant P28327 we can cover partial expenses of participants based at UK universities (travel and accommodation). If you have such a request, please, indicate so in your registration. In any casae other participants who can find their own support are welcome to come. Deadline for registration with funding: 10 March 2013. |
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