Talk titles and abstracts
Lecture coursesBirational Geometry in characteristic p - James McKernan (MIT)Abstract: We will discuss the Minimal Model Program in finite characteristic, with emphasis on the Cone Theorem and, possibly, basepoint freeness following Sean Keel's paper. Singularities as measured by Frobenius and applications - Karl Schwede (Penn State)
Invited talksOn varieties of globally F-regular type. - Yoshinori Gongyo (Imperial)Abstract: I will talk about some topics of varieties of globally F-regular type that is defined by using Frobenius map. Products of involutions in the Cremona group. - Nick Shepherd-Barron (Cambridge)Abstract: Birational automorphisms of the plane can have complicated dynamics. The aim is to estimate, or even calculate, some of these dynamical quantities when such an automorphism is given in explicit algebraic terms. This is motivated by problems in symmetric key cryptography, but is also heavily influenced by work of Cantat and Lamy, McMullen and Gromov. Simultaneous resolution of simple singularities without simple groups. - Nick Shepherd-Barron (Cambridge)Abstract: In good characteristics (which excludes characteristics 2,3 and 5 in the E_8 case) deformations of du Val singularities can be embedded into the adjoint quotient of the corresponding simply connected simple algebraic group. The existence of simultaneous resolutions after a base change by the corresponding Weyl group, and the classification of 3-fold flops, follows at once. In this talk we show that the Weyl group picture remains valid in all characteristics, although the relations with algebraic groups break down. The trace map of Frobenius and extending sections. - Hiromu Tanaka (Kyoto)Abstract: We consider problems on extending sections for positive characteristic varieties. However, there exist some bad examples in the case where the dimension is two or three. |
Contributed talksElementary counter-examples to Kodaira vanishing in prime characteristic. - Kuzma Khrabrov (Warwick/Higher School of Economics, Moscow)Abstract: In my talk I am going to start following ideas of the first set of counterexamples to Kodaira vanishing by M. Raynaud. I will proceed constructing elementary examples from the paper by N. Lauritzen and A. P. Rao. The latter examples are connected with incidence correspondence of affine subspaces in some vector space and natural vector bundles arising on such varieties. We will construct a smooth projective variety and a very ample sheaf on it, which violates Kodaira vanishing. On the upper semi-continuity of the HSL numbers. - Serena Murru (Sheffield)Abstract: Let B be an affine Cohen-Macaulay algebra over a field of positive characteristic. Faithful action on the spaces of holomorphic poly-differentials on curves - Joe Tait (Southampton)Abstract: Given a finite group G acting on a projective curve X over an algebraically closed field k we consider when the induced action on the space of holomorphic poly-differentials is faithful. We answer this question fully, without restricting the characteristic of k. We then look at hyperelliptic curves as an explicit example. . |
Poster Session
Non-isotrivial fibrations of irregular surfaces. - Victor Gonzalez Alonso (UPC) |